Improving the Workplace Environment

In today’s rapidly changing world, the Ichikawa Group believes that achieving sustainable corporate growth requires a shift in the mindset of employees. For this reason, we are transforming the Company by breaking away from outdated corporate attitudes and traditions, embracing new values, and encouraging employees to evolve along with the Company. As a starting point, we have implemented and introduced one-on-one meeting skills training as a way to improve internal communications. Our aim is to build a workplace that encourages a high degree of challenge and ensures psychological safety. We will promote the exchange of information and opinions between supervisors and subordinates. As well, by using our Talent Management System (scheduled for implementation), we will collect and gather together all information related to human resources into a database. This will help establish a systematic approach to talent development and help manage education. Our goal is to transform into a challenge-oriented, problem-solving organization with diverse human resources.

Policy for a Better Work Environment
  • Building a workplace with high levels of challenge and psychological safety
  • Optimizing overall organizational management

Creating a comfortable work environment

We are restructuring our internal environment and systems to accommodate the increasingly diverse ways of working. Our intent is to create a work environment that fosters a high degree of psychological safety, allowing employees to work freely and spontaneously.

Occupational health & safety / Health & productivity management

To maintain the health of employees and their families, we are collaborating on health initiatives, with our mills, the Ichikawa Health Insurance Association, industrial physicians, and clinical psychologists working together as a unified team.

  • In May 2024, as part of our health management promotion measures, we announced the "Ichikawa Non-Smoking Declaration" across the company and set a target to reduce the company-wide smoking rate to 12%.

Every workplace safety and health committee strives to achieve zero occupational accidents by improving the work environment, distributing information to employees, and through educational programs.