Human Resource Development

The Ichikawa Group is promoting various initiatives under the Human Resource Development Policy to nurture the strengths of every employee.

Human Resource Development Policy
  • Ichikawa aims to cultivate two types of employees: those who actively think and take initiative, as well as those who fearlessly embrace challenge. We empower employees to envision their own career path. We do this by improving our education and training system with a new approach and by supporting self-development through educational opportunities, certifications, and higher qualifications. This approach contributes to the overall skills in the workplace.
  • The Company creates a cycle where challenges, through committee and projects, provide more opportunities. By accumulating a range of experiences, employees grow, leading to continual improvement in the performance and sustainable value of the Ichikawa Group.

Internal Education

Department-specific Training (including on-the-job training (OJT))

We use a competency requirements table that outlines needed specialized knowledge and work experience categorized by difficulty level for each department. Using this table, we create individual education plans aimed at boosting job performance by acquiring and applying knowledge in daily tasks.

Hierarchy-based Training (OFF-JT, lectures and self-development)

We categorize employees into different groups and provide opportunities for them to acquire the abilities and skills required at each level. In addition, since July 2022, we have been promoting a job-based personnel system aimed at management positions. Recognizing that it is essential for every employee to take a proactive approach to shaping their own career and learning, we have established an environment where learning is based on personal goals and motivation, rather than passively taking company-provided training. We also assess effectiveness, while striving to cultivate the skills necessary for each position.

Dispatching Employees for External Training

Next-Generation Management Training

  • We have been sending several employees to external educational institutions very year since fiscal 2022 to reinforce their management skills.
  • Starting in fiscal 2023, we have conducted management training tailored to midlevel managers who are future candidates for executive positions, by inviting in experienced HR consultants.
  • Since fiscal 2022, we have been dispatching one employee each year to Meiji University’s Women’s Smart Career Program with the aim of developing female managers.

Developing Specialized Personnel

  • Due to our 50%+ overseas sales percentage and the increasing opportunities to work overseas, we are currently conducting six-month overseas language training to develop people for international assignments.
  • Since fiscal 2022, we have been sending several employees to Cyber University to develop specialized support for DX initiatives, focusing on roles such as data scientists.

Employee Support Systems

Support for Self-Development

By covering costs and offering incentives, we support individuals’ career development through self-improvement programs, such as e-learning, correspondence courses, and attending schools (business, language), as well as providing support for acquiring qualifications.

Since fiscal 2021, the Ichikawa Group has placed significant emphasis on investing in human capital. We have strengthened employees’ overall abilities through initiatives such as external assignments and internal training programs. As a result, our skill at comprehensively overseeing the business has improved, and through exchanges with other companies or departments, employees gain firsthand experience of various theories and achievements. This process leads to new insights for each person, which they can apply to their work. We will continue to pursue these proactive initiatives going forward.