Manufacturing Site

Kashiwa Mill

The Kashiwa Mill, located in the Nedo Industrial Park at Kashiwa City in Chiba Prefecture, specializes in needling and washing, drying, and finishing papermaking felts, as well as manufacturing transfer belts. This plant also does final inspections and shipping, making it a major hub for Ichikawa. The plant’s advanced machinery includes the latest needling machines and dryers for manufacturing the world’s largest press felts, up to 13 meters wide. There is an automated production line, and we carefully manage not only the physical properties of the products but also the temperature and humidity. As well, we remove any foreign material in the production environment to ensure high standards and uniform quality.

In 2000, Kashiwa Mill obtained ISO 14001 certification and has been working on environmental initiatives and saving energy through a cogeneration system, solar power generation, and energy-efficient equipment.


200 Nedo, Kashiwa, Chiba Prefecture,
Japan, 277-0831

Contact Tel. +81-4-7132-1111,
Fax. +81-4-7131-2040
Start of operations July 1964
Site area 55,203㎡
Main equipments and features
  • Needling factories (N1, N2, N3), 11,000m2 floor area

    Needling process and preparing process of the raw materials for batting

  • Finishing factories (F1, F2, F3, F4), 10,000m2 floor area

    Processes of washing and chemical treatment, drying, and finishing papermaking felts, as well as manufacturing transfer belts

Number of employees 307


1. Needling process: Pre-needle machines

Three pre-needle machines (maximum work width: 13.6 meters)

Raw cotton fibers are shaped into sheets to create mats, which are then used to make base fabric. Consistent mat mass, crucial for this process, is checked by preventing inconsistencies during production, and the three pre-needle machines are used, based on the fiber thickness required, to ensure an efficient production system.

2. Needling process: Needle machines

Nine needle machines (maximum work width: 13.5 meters; maximum material length: 70.0 meters)

Many needles move up and down to produce felts by embedding mats into the base fabric. Different types of felts are manufactured by adjusting product dimensions, needle configurations, and raw materials based on the customer’s specifications. Nine needle machines are used, for different purposes, enabling highly efficient production.

3. Cleaning, drying, and finishing process: Dryers

11 dryers (maximum work width: 14.5 meters; maximum work length: 191.0 meters)

Needle-punched felts are processed in the dryers, where they receive finishing such as heating and pressing to different performance standards. For uniform paper production, felts must be finished consistently. For this reason, machine rolls, as well as the heating and pressing processes, are precisely calibrated to ensure world-class quality.

July 1964 First established in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture, beginning with manufacturing needle felt
March 2000 Received ISO 14001 certification
May 2004 Relocated the sales division from the head office to the Kashiwa Mill site.

Iwama Mill

The Iwama Mill, located in the Iwama Industrial Park in Kasama City, Ibaraki Prefecture, has production lines for papermaking felts, shoe press belts, transfer belts, and industrial felts. A range of machines are used in the weaving process, this includes some of the largest weaving machines in the world—capable of handling fabric that is 33 meters wide—and state-of-the-art high-speed weaving machines, enabling us to produce base fabrics for varying needs. In the belt manufacturing process, we use proprietary equipment to produce shoe presses and transfer belts with specific performance requirements and sizes. At the same time, we preserve skilled techniques such as hand stitching, combining traditional craftsmanship with high technology to achieve our distinctive manufacturing methods. The Iwama Mill also produces a wide range of industrial felts by applying our papermaking felt manufacturing technology.

The Iwama Mill received ISO 14001 certification in 2019. With the introduction of solar power equipment, we are saving energy and helping to protect the environment, including by installing solar power systems and reusing wastewater from production.


2600-11, Ago, Kasama, Ibaraki Prefecture,
Japan 319-0206

Contact Tel. +81-299- 37-6211,
Fax. +81-299-37-6200
Start of operations April 1996
Site area 66,100㎡
Main equipments and features
  • 1st production factory, 10,000m2 floor area, 2-stories

    Weaving process (pre-weaving, weaving, and wrapping)
    Manufacturing process of industrial felts

  • 2nd production factory, 3,500m2 floor area, 3-stories

    Manufacturing processes of shoe press belts and transfer belts
    Manufacturing process of industrial felts

  • 3rd production factory, 12,814m2 floor area, single story

    Manufacturing processes of shoe press belts and transfer belts

Number of employees 270


1. Weaving process: Preparation

Bobbin winding machines (for preparing weft yarn)

Warping machines (for preparing warp yarn)

27 bobbin winding machines and three warping machines

In the preparation process, the warp and weft yarns that make up the base fabric are wound onto specialized equipment for use in the weaving process. Since variations in yarn tension can significantly affect the uniformity of the base fabric, we carefully manage temperature, humidity, and winding tension to ensure high quality and consistency.

2. Weaving process: Weaving

34 weaving machines (maximum work width: 33 meters)

In the weaving process, warp and weft yarns (made during the preparation stage) are used to weave the base fabric. We have a range of weaving machines, including some of the largest in the world, for a maximum fabric width of 33 meters. We also use automation technologies, such as robotics, and cutting-edge weaving techniques to achieve high levels of productivity and quality.

3. Shoe press and transfer belt manufacturing process: Coater machines

Eight coater machines

For manufacturing shoe presses and transfer belts, we use advanced technologies and proprietary equipment, developed over many years, for ensuring excellent drainage, durability, and operational stability. Another system maintains both rigorous quality control and high productivity, resulting in belts of outstanding quality.

4. Industrial felt manufacturing process

This process, based on Ichikawa’s felt manufacturing technology, produces a wide range of industrial felt products. High strength and heat resistance are achieved through the use of high-performance raw materials and the introduction of specialized equipment, such as high-pressure presses. Additionally, some products are marked with QR codes for efficient product management.

April 1996 First established in Kasama City, Ibaraki Prefecture
October 1998 Closed the Ichikawa Mill and focused production at the Kashiwa and Iwama Mills
May 2019 Received ISO 14001 certification